My little cute face

stories of my journey down motherhood lane

When the heart murmurs

heart murmurs

The second possible reason the GP gave for Baby JOOD’s poor weight during our eight week review was the heart murmur she noticed when examining him. This was the first time I was hearing of heart murmur. In my confusion I asked the GP if it was related to a hole in the heart since that is the common heart condition I know. The GP tried to explain and alleviate my worst fears without much success.

We were referred to children hospital for investigation of the heart murmur. I read up a lot on heart murmurs ahead of our appointment in children hospital. I discovered that heart murmurs are unusual sounds heard by doctors when they listen to a patient’s heart. They could be innocent or abnormal. I kept praying that the murmur was a one-off occurrence and the innocent type.

At the children hospital, we met a nice middle aged doctor – Dr A who explained all we were going to do. Dr A sent us for echocardiogram (ECG) and blood pressure check. They were both scary with lots of wires connecting Baby JOOD to the machines. I could only do what I imagined my mum would do in such a circumstance; Pray! Pray!! Pray!!! I kept praying, singing and worshipping God throughout the whole ordeal.

praying mother

Both the ECG and blood pressure checks came out with good results. We were booked for a heart scan. The heart scan which we did about two months later, also came out with perfect results. It was an innocent heart murmur.

I thank God for his mercies, grace and blessings. He remains true to his words -“My plans towards you are of good”. Thank you Father and hallo be thy name.


Picture Source: Kids health and  fireprayer 


  1. Such a scary time when you think something is wrong with your kids! I am so glad that everything turned out ok for you all.

    Thank you for linking up with the #WeekendBlogHop

    Laura x x x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Many thanks for dropping by and hosting us @ #weekendbloghop


  2. Glad all is ok & wasn’t anything more serious xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. TheLondonMum

    Such a scary time, glad everything turned out well 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, it was definitely a scary period. So glad its been sorted.


  4. I’m glad everything is okay. Must have been a horrible wait for the results! Also must have been horrible seeing him with all the wires 😦 #WeeklyLinky


    • It was so horrible but is well that ends well. Thanks for #weeklylinky wit us


  5. That must have been so scary – and hard to see your little baby going through all those tests and being attached to machines etc. So great that it ended with positive news 🙂 #weeklylinky


    • Pray I never experience such again. Many thanks


  6. popping over from the new #weeklylinky and thanks so much for joining in 🙂 this must have been such a scary experience for you and I couldn’t even begin to imagine. But I am so glad for you that it was just a one off and nothing serious. Children are always stronger than we think 🙂 mummy bloggers team x

    Liked by 1 person

    • many thanks really enjoying #weeklylinky. lol


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